Web Design by Perth Marketing Company
What good is a website if visitors leave immediately?
The Perth Marketing Company believes web design should result in a great user experience which leads to lower bounce rates, higher time on site and ultimately more leads and sales for your business.
Here are 8 things we’ve learnt about designing websites that result in great user experience:
1. Designed with a Purpose in Mind
Over 80% of marketers consider increasing overall conversion a dominant priority for their website optimization programs. Source: marketingsherpa.com
Isn’t it easy to tell when web design lacks purpose? The design is too busy. There’re too many items to click. It’s distracting. This negatively impacts both engagement and conversion.
Wouldn’t it be better if all web pages were designed with a specific purpose in mind? More visitors would actually take the desired action. This will lead to more leads, sales, subscriber’s, phone calls…
2. Design elements that work together
Isn’t it easy to spot when design elements don’t work together? Colours that obviously clash. Text that’s too big. Text that’s difficult to read. Images that don’t fit the space.
Design elements should work together to achieve a specific purpose. Do you agree? Design that works together improves brand awareness, engagement and conversion rates.
3. Layout and navigation that’s user friendly
Isn’t it annoying when websites don’t have intuitive layout and navigation? Users clicking through multiple navigation menus. Contact details that aren’t easy to find. Web forms that require too much information.
Wouldn’t it be better if the layout and navigation helped users find what they want easily? Good layout and navigation keeps visitors on site longer and improves conversion.
4. Compelling content that draws readers in
Boring content sucks doesn’t it? Lists of technical features. Corporate speak that lacks personality. Walls of text. Uninteresting headlines.
Content that draws the reader in and guides them to a specific purpose is much better, don’t you think? Compelling content keeps readers on site longer, lowers bounce rate, is shared more and improves conversion.
5. Mobile friendly design
Mobile digital media time in the US is now significantly higher at 51% compared to desktop (42%). Source: SmartInsights.com
Isn’t it frustrating when you find websites that obviously aren’t optimised for mobile? Tiny text that’s difficult to read. Tiny buttons that are difficult to click. This is really frustrating for users. The result – they simply click the back button.
Do you agree that having a mobile friendly website is important?
Mobile friendly websites increase time on site, lower bounce rates and increase conversion.
6. Web pages should load quickly
40% of people will abandon a web page if it takes more than three seconds to load. Source: econsultancy.com
Slow loading web pages are frustrating, aren’t they? Unless you engage visitors instantly, they hit the back button.
Would you prefer your web designer built fast loading web pages?
Your users would be less frustrated. They’ll spend more time on your site and fewer visitors will immediately click the back button.
7. Designed for a user friendly content management system
Wouldn’t it be frustrating if every time you wanted to make changes to your site you had to call your designer? This increases costs and impacts how quickly you can make changes.
Would you be happier if you had the choice to easily make changes or add new content yourself?
Content management systems like WordPress make it really easy to make changes. This lowers costs and gives the flexibility to make changes quickly.
8. Designed with search in mind
Would you be annoyed if your website couldn’t be found in the search engines? Many of the factors already mentioned impact on where your site ranks in the search engines. Like slow loading pages that aren’t optimised for mobile.
Wouldn’t you like to work with a designer that was also a search engine expert?
Setting up your website with search in mind will result in higher search engine rankings and a higher return on investment.
Web Design Perth
How to Give You Website Users a Great Experience:
Well there you have it, that’s our eight tips for creating a great user experience. These tips work together to lower bounce rates, increase time on site and improve engagement and conversion. Are you interested? If you’d like us to assess your current site or prepare a quote for designing a new site please contact us.
This post was first published on perthmarketingcompany.com.au